by justinw1970 | Sep 4, 2023 | General
One of our clients publishes all their content on LinkedIn. It’s easy to understand why: the platform offers immediate reach and is part of their daily routine. But is LinkedIn—or any other third-party platform—the best place for you to publish your content? I...
by justinw1970 | Oct 8, 2013 | General
The term “the money is in the list” is so often used that it is almost a cliche, but no matter your website, it is crucially important that you build a list. Why is it so important that you have a list? As you develop your business one of the most... by justinw1970 | Nov 1, 2012 | General
What is podcasting and how can it help my business? This is one of the questions that a lot of online business owners ask. Indeed, podcasting has grown so much as a marketing tool that it is already too significant for many business owners to ignore. Podcasting is... by justinw1970 | Oct 25, 2012 | General
To say search engines have evolved dramatically in the last ten years is a minor understatement. During this time, Google has certainly been the trend setter in new developments. The goal of the company has been to redefine how search works so that users find what... by justinw1970 | Oct 18, 2012 | General
Millions of people log into Facebook every day, and the ads in the sidebars will allow you to reach the right people at the right time. –>> Facebook ads allow you to customize your demographics down to the smallest details. You can choose to show your ad... by justinw1970 | Oct 11, 2012 | General
If you are running a small or a large business, using online videos you can drive direct traffic to your website. You know there are billions of videos available on YouTube. It gets approximately two hundred million clicks per day. Here you will learn how to drive...