One of our clients publishes all their content on LinkedIn. It’s easy to understand why: the platform offers immediate reach and is part of their daily routine. But is LinkedIn—or any other third-party platform—the best place for you to publish your content?

I believe that your own blog should be the first home for your articles and posts. Especially with the rise of AI-driven conversational agents like Chat GPT and Bard, driving engagement to your own website is more crucial than ever. These AI systems are rapidly becoming the go-to for answers and information, so owning the platform where your content lives can give you a competitive edge.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll dissect the pros and cons of the key publishing platforms: your blog, LinkedIn, Medium, Facebook, and Our aim is to give you a clear understanding of each platform’s strengths and weaknesses, helping you decide the best fit for your content strategy.

Interested in a deep dive into video content platforms as well? Let us know in the comments. But for now, let’s jump into the analysis.”

A Comparative Analysis of Your Blog, LinkedIn, Medium, Facebook and

In the era of information overload, choosing the right platform to publish your content can significantly impact its visibility and engagement. The decision between Facebook, LinkedIn, Medium, and your own blog can be overwhelming, given that each platform has its unique set of advantages and disadvantages. This article aims to provide an in-depth comparison to help you make an informed decision.



  1. Full Control: You own the content, design, and URL, providing complete control over your brand image.
  2. SEO Benefits: Optimizing your blog can result in high search engine rankings, driving organic traffic over time.
  3. Monetization: You can monetize your blog in various ways, including ads, sponsored posts, and affiliate marketing.
  4. Customization: A blog allows for complete creative freedom, from layout to types of content published.


  1. Time-consuming: Setting up, maintaining, and regularly updating a blog requires a significant time investment.
  2. Costs: Domain name, hosting, and possibly design and development can be expensive.
  3. Slow Growth: It may take time to build up an audience and gain visibility.
  4. Technical Challenges: You may need basic understanding of domains, hosting, and SEO.



  1. Professional Audience: Primarily consists of professionals and businesses, making it ideal for B2B content.
  2. Networking: Opportunity to connect with industry leaders and potential clients.
  3. Credibility: The professional atmosphere can lend credibility to your content.
  4. Analytics: Provides robust analytics to understand how your content is performing.


  1. Limited Creativity: The platform dictates the format, layout, and even the tone to some extent.
  2. Visibility: Your posts may be restricted to your network unless they gain significant engagement.
  3. Not for Every Niche: Best suited for business, tech, and professional development topics.
  4. Algorithm Limitations: Your content’s reach is subject to LinkedIn’s ever-changing algorithms.



  1. Built-in Audience: Medium has a large, diverse audience looking for quality content.
  2. Clean Design: The platform provides a clutter-free reading experience.
  3. Curation and Promotion: Medium’s editorial team can promote your article, increasing visibility.
  4. Monetization: The Partner Program allows you to earn money based on reader engagement.


  1. Paywall: Some readers may be deterred by Medium’s paywall.
  2. Limited Control: Like LinkedIn, you don’t control the platform or the audience.
  3. Generic URL: You won’t get the SEO benefits of a custom domain.
  4. Revenue Sharing: Medium takes a cut of any earnings from the Partner Program.



  1. Massive Reach: With billions of users, your content has the potential for wide reach.
  2. Targeting: Sophisticated ad options allow for very specific targeting.
  3. Multimedia: Allows text, images, video, live broadcasts, making it versatile.
  4. Community Building: Easy to build and engage with a community around your content.


  1. Pay to Play: Organic reach has declined significantly; you often need to pay for visibility.
  2. Short Lifespan: Content gets buried quickly due to the fast-paced nature of the feed.
  3. Ownership: You don’t own your Facebook Page; Facebook does.
  4. Data Privacy Concerns: The platform has faced criticism for how it handles user data. (formerly Twitter)


  1. Real-time Engagement:’s fast-paced environment allows for real-time updates, making it ideal for timely and trending topics.
  2. Global Reach: With a diverse, global audience, your content can gain international exposure.
  3. Concise Messaging: The platform encourages brevity, forcing you to get to the point quickly, which can improve clarity.
  4. Networking: The platform allows for easy conversations with influencers, journalists, and professionals across various fields.
  5. Analytics: offers detailed analytics to measure the performance of your posts, helping you fine-tune your content strategy.


  1. Limited Depth: Due to character limitations, it’s challenging to delve into complex topics in-depth.
  2. Short Lifespan: Posts have a short lifespan and can get lost in the noise if they don’t gain immediate traction.
  3. Unpredictable Reach: Your posts’ visibility is at the mercy of the algorithm, which can limit their reach.
  4. Potential for Negative Exposure: While engagement can be high, so can backlash. A single tweet can attract a lot of negative attention.
  5. Monetization Challenges: Unlike blogging or Medium, direct monetization options are limited.

Should You Republish Across Multiple Platforms

Absolutely, if done strategically. Republishing can breathe new life into old content, target different audiences, and boost overall engagement. This can be an excellent way to maximize visibility. However, there are some guidelines to consider:

  1. SEO: Google penalizes duplicate content, so wait for a few days after publishing on your primary platform before republishing.
  2. Tailor Content: Adjust tone, format, or even the title to fit each platform’s audience.
  3. Cannibalization: Make sure you’re not competing with yourself for visibility; stagger publishing times.
  4. Updates and Exclusivity: Update content to keep it fresh and consider giving each platform some exclusive content to engage different audiences.

In Conclusion

To sum up, choosing the right platform for publishing your content hinges on your unique objectives, target audience, and the type of content you produce. While third-party platforms like LinkedIn, Medium, and Facebook have their merits, nothing beats the control, customization, and SEO advantages that come with hosting content on your own website. In today’s rapidly changing digital landscape—further complicated by the rise of AI tools like chatbots and voice search—having a robust web presence is more crucial than ever.

If you’re finding it challenging to navigate these complexities, Vashon Media is here to help. As experts in web development and digital marketing, we offer customized solutions designed to elevate your brand and amplify your message. Whether you’re looking to build a new website, optimize existing content, or develop a multi-platform marketing strategy, we’ve got the skills and experience to make it happen.

Ready to take your content strategy to the next level? Contact us today to schedule a free consultation. Your brand deserves a platform that can grow with it—let us help you build it.