H1 Tags were once one of the more important elements of on-page SEO and according to most SEO experts you should only have one h1 tag on a page. The h1 tag is typically the title of the page and is the largest title on a page. The H stands for header and there are various different sizes. The most common are h1, h2 and h3, but they go as far as h6.
There are various schools of thought as to how important a ranking factor the h1 tag is today, but pretty much everyone is agreed that using them on your site is a good idea.
Apart from anything else when someone comes to your website and the header tag reinforces in their mind that they have come to the right place it is likely to have an impact on bounce rate.
Whilst the experts say you should only have one h1 tag on a page, this video by Matt Cutts, Googles face of SEO, suggests you can have more than one – as long as it is used to improve readability and not to try and game the search engines.
Ultimately what Google wants to do is to provide the best search result to the people looking for them. And so feel free to use H1 tags but as Google say themselves: “Heading tags are an important website component for catching the user’s eye, so be careful how you use them!”